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Aerospace Medical Association &
Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society


As of: 3-20-25
Schedule at a glance (pdf)
Note: FAA will be in Hanover C/D/E, Monday, June 2 – Thursday, June 5.

Sunday, June 1

Registration Open
Workshop: Management of Decompression Illness in Remote Settings
Schedule for: Workshop: Management of Decompression Illness in Remote Settings
Jim Chimiak
Field Neurologic Exam
Wayne Massey
Brandon Trapp & Matias Nochetto
Small Group Discussions
Diagnostic Medical Kit
Bruce Derrick
Medical Evacuations in Diving Medical Emergencies
Camillo Saraiva
Panel Summary
On Own
Optional: Expedition medical direction
Jim Chimiak
Case Studies
Jim Chimiak
Management of Mild Decompression Illness
Simon Mitchell
In Water Recompression
David Doolette
Portable Hyperbaric Chambers
Aaron Rubin
Small Group Discussions
Altitude DCS
Jon Clark
Space DCS
Alex Garbino
Current and Future Adjunctive Therapies
Richard Moon
Panel Summary
Jim Chimiak


 Management of Decompression Illness in Remote Settings

Course Duration: 8 Hours

The workshop will provide effective recommendations for managing decompression illness in remote settings.  With increasing opportunities of accessible remote areas to explore and the decreasing number of hyperbaric chambers available for treatment, the content will become increasingly important to both the injured explorer and those that provide emergency care to them. This workshop will be especially helpful for the expedition medical team where lengthy on-site medical support may be required prior to definitive care. Prevention, diagnosis, and treatment issues will be addressed. Specific topics will include mild DCS mgt, in-water recompression, telemedicine, and diagnostic modalities. Attention will also be given to the unique management of altitude and space decompression illness. Important insight for those engaged in operations involving diving, altitude and space exploration. Panel discussions will allow interaction with the presenters. 



Accreditation Statement: The Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Designation Statements:

  • Physician CMEThe Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society designates this live activity for a maximum of TBD AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
  • Nursing/RRT Contact Hours: This live activity is approved for TBD CE hours provided by Florida Board of Registered Nursing/RRT Provider #50-10881. License types: RN, LPN, CNS, ARNP, CNA, CRT, RRT, RCP Provided through the Florida State Board of Nursing and the CE credits are reciprocal and approved for nurses within all states. Receiving credit for Florida providers is simple, attend the course and our staff will upload your credits directly to the Florida State database. For out of state credit, we provide this letter for you to file with the respective nursing board.
    • NBDHMT: This live activity is approved for TBD Category A credit hours and TBD Category B credit hours by National Board of Diving and Hyperbaric Medical Technology, P.O. Box 758, Pelion, South Carolina 29123.   
      • NBDHMT Accreditation Statement: For CHT recertification purposes, the NBDHMT requires a minimum of nine of the minimum 12 required Category A credits relate directly to any combination of hyperbaric operations, related technical aspects and chamber safety.
    • NBDHMT Accreditation Statement: For CHT recertification purposes, the NBDHMT requires a minimum of nine of the minimum 12 required Category A credits relate directly to any combination of hyperbaric operations, related technical aspects and chamber safety.

Full Disclosure Statement: All faculty members and planners participating in continuing medical education activities sponsored by Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society are expected to disclose to the participants any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies. Full disclosure of faculty and planner relevant financial relationships will be made at the activity.

The following individuals have disclosed a relevant financial relationship with ineligible companies. Financial relationships are relevant if the following three conditions are met for the individual who will control content of the education: 

  • n/a

A financial relationship, in any amount, exists between the person in control of content and an ineligible company and;

  1. The content of the education is related to the products of an ineligible company with whom the person has a financial relationship and;
  2. The financial relationship existed during the past 24 months.
  3. All of the relevant financial relationships listed for these individuals have been mitigated

None of the individuals in control of content (planners/faculty/reviewers/authors) for this educational activity have relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose with ineligible companies whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients.

No commercial support was received for this activities:

Disclaimer: The information provided at this CME activity is for Continuing Medical Education purposes only. The lecture content, statements or opinions expressed however, do not necessarily represent those of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society.

CME For MOC Program Guide Designation Statements for ABMS Boards

Required instructions to learners on how to obtain CME for MOC

CME For MOC points are earned through completing a comprehensive evaluation component that assesses individual learner competence, performance, and/or the impact on patient outcomes. Some boards require evaluation feedback that will include a summary of what was discussed and the best next steps for the learner. The evaluation feedback will be provided to you upon submitting the evaluation form.

As an accredited ACCME provider, the UHMS is now responsible to submit physician learner CME credits into the ACCME PARS system. However, it is the physician’s responsibility to submit the necessary information required to match with the ACCME PARS system. It is also the physicians responsibility to check with their respective board(s) to see that the credits were applied accordingly.

  • American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA)
    “This activity contributes to the CME component of the American Board of Anesthesiology’s redesigned Maintenance of Certification in AnesthesiologyTM (MOCA®) program, known as MOCA 2.0®. Please consult the ABA website,, for a list of all MOCA 2.0 requirements.”
  • American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) ***
    “Successful completion of this CME activity, which includes participation in the evaluation component, enables the participant to earn up to [credits approved] MOC points in the American Board of Internal Medicine’s (ABIM) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program. It is the CME activity provider’s responsibility to submit participant completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABIM MOC credit.”
  • American Board of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery (ABOHNS) ***
    “Successful completion of this CME activity, which includes participation in the evaluation component, enables the participant to earn their required annual part II self-assessment credit in the American Board of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery’s Continuing Certification program (formerly known as MOC). It is the CME activity provider's responsibility to submit participant completion information to ACCME for the purpose of recognizing participation.”
  • American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS) ***
    “Successful completion of this CME activity, which includes participation in the evaluation component, enables the learner to earn credit toward the CME of the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery’s Maintenance of Certification program. It is the CME activity provider's responsibility to submit learner completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABOS credit."
  • American Board of Pathology (ABPath)
    This activity has been registered to offer [credits approved] AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM towards the American Board of Pathology’s Continuing Certification program Lifelong Learning credits.
  • American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) ***
    “Successful completion of this CME activity, which includes participation in the evaluation component, enables the learner to earn up to [credits approved] MOC points in the American Board of Pediatrics’ (ABP) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program. It is the CME activity provider’s responsibility to submit learner completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABP MOC credit.”
  • American Board of Surgery (ABS) ***
    “Successful completion of this CME activity [which includes participation in the evaluation component], enables the learner to earn credit toward the CME [and Self-Assessment] requirement(s) of the American Board of Surgery’s Continuous Certification program. It is the CME activity provider's responsibility to submit learner completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABS credit."
  • American Board of Thoracic Surgery (ABTS) ***
    “Successful completion of this CME activity [which includes participation in the evaluation component,] enables the learner to earn credit toward the CME [and Self-Assessment] of the American Board of Thoracic Surgery’s Maintenance of Certification program. It is the CME activity provider's responsibility to submit learner completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABTS credit."

***Will require evaluation feedback

Workshop: Evaluating Equipment for Safe Use in the Hyperbaric or Hypobaric Environment
Schedule for: Workshop: Evaluating equipment for safe use in the hyperbaric or hypobaric ​environment
Welcome and Introductions
Life without NFPA: European examples
Jacek Kot, MD
Mishaps with Equipment
Gary Toups, MD
Tunnel boring, safety, equipment testing
Justin Costello
Codes and Standards for Hyperbaric Equipment Approval
Kevin Gardner, CHT
Administrative and Political Considerations for Hyperbaric Safety Professionals
Andrew Melnyczenko, CHT
Documentation of Chamber Maintenance, Equipment Services, & Product Testing
Greg Brown, CHT
On Own
Hypobaric enviornment
Michael Harrison, MD
Inside attendant safety
Jack Simanonok, MD
How ventilators work and why doesn’t my ventilator work properly in the chamber ##$@!!”.
Ian Millar, MD
Equipment Survey
Marc Pullis, CHT
Safety: How to involve your local first responders
Gus Gustavson, RN
Working title: Mishaps, Codes and Compliance
Andrew Melnyczenko, CHT
Pediatric safety in a multiplace chamber
Kathy Nelson, RN / Kim Batchelder

Safety25 1
Evaluating Equipment for Safe Use in the Hyperbaric or Hypobaric Environment

Course Duration: 8.5 Hours

Who Should Attend: This course is meticulously designed for Physicians, Nurses, Technicians, Safety Officers, Maintenance Personnel, and other professionals involved in the operation, maintenance, or oversight of hyperbaric or hypobaric facilities.

Why Safety Matters: In hyperbaric and hypobaric environments, the reliability of equipment is not just important—it is critical. Any malfunction or failure can result in catastrophic outcomes, including equipment damage, severe personal injury, or loss of life. Ensuring that all equipment is thoroughly evaluated, tested, and maintained is more than just a regulatory mandate—it’s a moral responsibility to safeguard lives and protect operational integrity.

What You will learn: see schedule

Benefits of Attending:

  • Enhanced Safety: Gain the expertise to evaluate and maintain equipment for the highest safety standards.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Stay ahead of the latest regulations to avoid fines, penalties, or operational disruptions.
  • Professional Development: Advance your career with specialized training that opens opportunities in this high-demand field.

Join us for this essential hands-on training and become a key player in safeguarding the safety and integrity of hyperbaric and hypobaric operations. Your knowledge and commitment can make the difference between smooth operations and critical failures.


Accreditation Statement: The Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Designation Statements:

  • Physician CMEThe Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society designates this live activity for a maximum of TBD AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.
  • Nursing/RRT Contact Hours: This live activity is approved for TBD CE hours provided by Florida Board of Registered Nursing/RRT Provider #50-10881. License types: RN, LPN, CNS, ARNP, CNA, CRT, RRT, RCP Provided through the Florida State Board of Nursing and the CE credits are reciprocal and approved for nurses within all states. Receiving credit for Florida providers is simple, attend the course and our staff will upload your credits directly to the Florida State database. For out of state credit, we provide this letter for you to file with the respective nursing board.
    • NBDHMT: This live activity is approved for TBD Category A credit hours and TBD Category B credit hours by National Board of Diving and Hyperbaric Medical Technology, P.O. Box 758, Pelion, South Carolina 29123.   
      • NBDHMT Accreditation Statement: For CHT recertification purposes, the NBDHMT requires a minimum of nine of the minimum 12 required Category A credits relate directly to any combination of hyperbaric operations, related technical aspects and chamber safety.
    • NBDHMT Accreditation Statement: For CHT recertification purposes, the NBDHMT requires a minimum of nine of the minimum 12 required Category A credits relate directly to any combination of hyperbaric operations, related technical aspects and chamber safety.

Full Disclosure Statement: All faculty members and planners participating in continuing medical education activities sponsored by Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society are expected to disclose to the participants any relevant financial relationships with ineligible companies. Full disclosure of faculty and planner relevant financial relationships will be made at the activity.

The following individuals have disclosed a relevant financial relationship with ineligible companies. Financial relationships are relevant if the following three conditions are met for the individual who will control content of the education: 

  • n/a

A financial relationship, in any amount, exists between the person in control of content and an ineligible company and;

  1. The content of the education is related to the products of an ineligible company with whom the person has a financial relationship and;
  2. The financial relationship existed during the past 24 months.
  3. All of the relevant financial relationships listed for these individuals have been mitigated

None of the individuals in control of content (planners/faculty/reviewers/authors) for this educational activity have relevant financial relationship(s) to disclose with ineligible companies whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients.

No commercial support was received for this activities:

Disclaimer: The information provided at this CME activity is for Continuing Medical Education purposes only. The lecture content, statements or opinions expressed however, do not necessarily represent those of the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society.

CME For MOC Program Guide Designation Statements for ABMS Boards

Required instructions to learners on how to obtain CME for MOC

CME For MOC points are earned through completing a comprehensive evaluation component that assesses individual learner competence, performance, and/or the impact on patient outcomes. Some boards require evaluation feedback that will include a summary of what was discussed and the best next steps for the learner. The evaluation feedback will be provided to you upon submitting the evaluation form.

As an accredited ACCME provider, the UHMS is now responsible to submit physician learner CME credits into the ACCME PARS system. However, it is the physician’s responsibility to submit the necessary information required to match with the ACCME PARS system. It is also the physicians responsibility to check with their respective board(s) to see that the credits were applied accordingly.

  • American Board of Anesthesiology (ABA)
    “This activity contributes to the CME component of the American Board of Anesthesiology’s redesigned Maintenance of Certification in AnesthesiologyTM (MOCA®) program, known as MOCA 2.0®. Please consult the ABA website,, for a list of all MOCA 2.0 requirements.”
  • American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) ***
    “Successful completion of this CME activity, which includes participation in the evaluation component, enables the participant to earn up to [credits approved] MOC points in the American Board of Internal Medicine’s (ABIM) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program. It is the CME activity provider’s responsibility to submit participant completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABIM MOC credit.”
  • American Board of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery (ABOHNS) ***
    “Successful completion of this CME activity, which includes participation in the evaluation component, enables the participant to earn their required annual part II self-assessment credit in the American Board of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery’s Continuing Certification program (formerly known as MOC). It is the CME activity provider's responsibility to submit participant completion information to ACCME for the purpose of recognizing participation.”
  • American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS) ***
    “Successful completion of this CME activity, which includes participation in the evaluation component, enables the learner to earn credit toward the CME of the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery’s Maintenance of Certification program. It is the CME activity provider's responsibility to submit learner completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABOS credit."
  • American Board of Pathology (ABPath)
    This activity has been registered to offer [credits approved] AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM towards the American Board of Pathology’s Continuing Certification program Lifelong Learning credits.
  • American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) ***
    “Successful completion of this CME activity, which includes participation in the evaluation component, enables the learner to earn up to [credits approved] MOC points in the American Board of Pediatrics’ (ABP) Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program. It is the CME activity provider’s responsibility to submit learner completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABP MOC credit.”
  • American Board of Surgery (ABS) ***
    “Successful completion of this CME activity [which includes participation in the evaluation component], enables the learner to earn credit toward the CME [and Self-Assessment] requirement(s) of the American Board of Surgery’s Continuous Certification program. It is the CME activity provider's responsibility to submit learner completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABS credit."
  • American Board of Thoracic Surgery (ABTS) ***
    “Successful completion of this CME activity [which includes participation in the evaluation component,] enables the learner to earn credit toward the CME [and Self-Assessment] of the American Board of Thoracic Surgery’s Maintenance of Certification program. It is the CME activity provider's responsibility to submit learner completion information to ACCME for the purpose of granting ABTS credit."

***Will require evaluation feedback

Workshop: Progress, Challenges, Innovation & Evidence – Are Our Minds & Systems Getting Better?
Workshop: Aerospace Mishap Epidemiology - The Science of the Denominator
Workshop: Mind Hack: Frontiers in Mental Health and Neuromodulation
New Members / New Attendees Meet and Greet
Welcome Reception

Monday, June 2

Richard B. "Dick" Trumbo 5K Fun Run/Walk: Hotel Entrance Lobby
Registration Open
Opening Ceremonies: Centennial Ballroom
70th Louis H. Bauer Lecture: Open Innovation at NASA: Good ideas can from anywhere: Jeffrey R. Davis, MD

About the Lecture: 

“The last 11 years of my tenure at NASA (2005-2016) as head of SLSD that then became the Human Health and Performance directorate in 2012, was all about balancing near-term innovations for existing flight programs, with long-term, breakthrough innovations for future missions.  And to do so on a very reduced R&D budget.   I’ll send you a draft talk outline later but it will be mostly from personal experience and outcomes, good and bad, so hopefully the audience will identify with the talk.

I had taken the Harvard Business School course, Leading Change and Organizational Renewal in 2008, met Dr. Karim Lakhani who was teaching open innovation, which we immediately incorporated into our strategic planning.  We actually used the two terms in the title with my HH&P group in implementation of our strategy, to emphasize that our challenge was to innovate the parent organization (exploit) and develop the future (explore).  Explore and Exploit were the terms used by Tushman and O’Reilly who taught (and still teach) the course but the terms didn’t resonate within NASA so we turned it into NASA speak, with the famous Gene Kranz line in place of exploit.”


About the Speaker:
Dr. Davis has served aviation and space medicine for 20+ years. He is board certified in aerospace medicine and has served in the following roles: Branch Chief of Medical Operations at NASA; Corporate Medical Director of American Airlines; Professor and Residency Director of Aerospace Medicine at the University of Texas Medical Branch; and as Director of Space and Life Sciences at the NASA-Johnson Space Center. His awards include an Outstanding Leadership Medal and Silver Snoopy at NASA, and the Louis H Bauer Founder’s Award from the Aerospace Medical Association. He has served as the Chair of the American Board of Preventive Medicine.

Exhibits / Break
Eric P. Kindwall Memorial Lecture: “The Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine: Experience with Treating Israel Defense Forces (IDF) Soldiers.” - Shai Efrati, MD

About the Lecture:

In conventional medicine, we rely on surgical intervention and pharmacologic agents to achieve desired biological outcomes. Hyperbaric medicine, however, harnesses controlled environmental changes—specifically in pressure and gas concentration—to attain these goals. From a pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic perspective, hyperbaric interventions can be categorized into three primary mechanisms of action: (1) pressure as the active agent, (2) oxygen as the active agent, and (3) the induction of tissue repair via the hyperoxic-hypoxic paradox (HHP). Each of these categories includes various military-related injuries that are treated extensively at the Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research.

Examples include:

  • Pressure as the active agent – Treatment of decompression sickness in divers and fighter pilots, as well as gas embolism in severe blast injuries.
  • Oxygen as the active agent – Management of smoke inhalation, crush injuries, critical limb ischemia, and resistant fungal infections.
  • Induction of tissue repair through HHP – Addressing non-healing limb wounds, blast and traumatic brain injuries (TBI), and PTSD.

In this lecture, we will trace the journey that led us to treat over 350 patients daily at the Sagol Center. We will examine the underlying pathophysiology and the application of hyperbaric medicine for each of these indications, with a particular focus on the unique challenges and outcomes associated with treating Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers.

About the Speaker:

dr shai efrati

Dr. Shai Efrati is a professor at Tel Aviv University's Sackler School of Medicine and the Sagol School of Neuroscience. He also serves as the director of the Sagol Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Research at Shamir Medical Center in Israel, where he leads the world's largest hyperbaric treatment center, treating over 350 patients daily.

Dr. Efrati’s research extends the applications of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT), viewing the brain as a tissue with repair potential like other healing processes in the body. His research program includes a unique HBOT protocol that leverages the Hyperoxic-Hypoxic Paradox (HHP), promoting tissue and brain repair through controlled fluctuations in oxygen and pressure. Clinical trials have shown this protocol to stimulate stem cell proliferation, neurogenesis, angiogenesis, and improve cellular metabolism through better mitochondrial function and enhance both neurocognitive and physical performance. The HHP protocol has demonstrated substantial benefits for patients suffering from post-concussion syndrome following traumatic brain injuries (TBI) or blast injuries, stroke, and PTSD, and has been successfully applied in life- and limb-saving treatments for soldiers with battlefield-related injuries.


dr kindwallDr. Kindwall is known by many as the "Father of Hyperbaric Medicine.” Whether you knew him personally or simply by reputation, we have all benefited from his efforts, passion, wisdom, knowledge, energy and vision. Dr. Kindwall has played a great role in growing and shaping the specialty of Undersea and Hyperbaric Medicine. He was likewise instrumental in molding the UHMS into what it is today. Dr. Kindwall began diving in 1950. He cultivated his interest in the field and during the Vietnam War served as the Assistant Director of the U.S. Navy School of Submarine Medicine. He also was the Senior Officer responsible for the Diving Medicine Program. In 1969, after leaving the Navy, Dr. Kindwall became Chief of the Department of Hyperbaric Medicine at St. Luke’s Medical Center, Milwaukee, Wis. Shortly after the Undersea Medical Society was created in the mid-1960s, Dr. Kindwall identified the need for standardized education in the field. He created the UMS Education and Standards Committee to help elevate course content and ensure instructor competence. This committee later became our Education Committee. When the AMA initiated its Continuing Medical Education program, Dr. Kindwall persuaded the organization to recognize the UMS as a grantor of CME credits. In 1972, Dr. Kindwall felt that the Society’s members would benefit from improved communication. He created our first newsletter and was named editor. Dr. Kindwall chose the name Pressure because clinical hyperbaric medicine was rapidly developing. Even though the UHMS had not yet incorporated "Hyperbaric” into the Society’s name, he wanted a title for the newsletter that would encompass all who worked with increased atmospheric pressure. He stated: "The Society’s goal then, as it is now, is to serve all who deal with the effects of increased barometric pressure.” That same year, Dr. Kindwall recognized the need to have a relationship with Medicare to help provide insight on reputable clinical management. The UMS followed this lead, and a Medicare Panel was created. The recommendations were presented to the U.S. Public Health Service. The challenge was that no reliable hyperbaric medicine clinical guidelines were available that addressed appropriate applications of Hyperbaric Medicine. To remedy this deficit, the UMS Executive Committee created an Ad Hoc Committee on hyperbaric oxygen therapy. Dr. Kindwall was named Chair. The committee created the first Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Committee Report. Again, this text was published 10 years before the UHMS incorporated "Hyperbaric” into its name. The report was sent to HCFA and the Blues and became their source document for reimbursement. Dr. Kindwall updated the text two more times and thus was the Editor and Chair of the Committee and text for three of its 12 editions. Dr. Kindwall later worked to expand the available information on the specialty by creating one of the first complete texts on the field. He created Hyperbaric Medicine Practice in 1994 and later updated and revised his text two more times. The Society’s first journal, Hyperbaric Oxygen Review, has also been influenced by Dr. Kindwall. His love for research and education was clear: He became the initial editor, creating a journal that at first consisted of review articles and one original contribution. Over the years, it has grown to one full of original research. Dr. Kindwall’s presence is felt in so many of the UHMS’ activities and initiatives. Much of what we all take for granted – what is just "there” and "available” – has his touch and influence.

Lunch (On Own), Special Luncheons and Meetings
Norbert Guettler
Second item
John Smith
Third Item
Jane Smith
Centennial Ballroom ICentennial Ballroom IICentennial Ballroom IIICentennial Ballroom IVRegency VRegency VI (UHMS)Regency VIIHanover Hall F/GGrand Hall East (Posters)
Centennial Ballroom I: CM Panel: Cardiovascular Screening for Aircrew
Centennial Ballroom II: HP Panel: Intrinsically Photosensitive Retinal Ganglion Cells
Centennial Ballroom III: SM Panel: Peri-Flight Musculoskeletal Injury Rates in Astronauts
Centennial Ballroom IV: SST Panel: Bringing a Research Project to Fruition
Regency V: CM Panel: Aerospace Medicine Potpourri
Regency VI (UHMS): UHMS
Regency VII: HP Panel: Biomechanics and Physiology
Hanover Hall F/G: HP Panel: Visual and Vestibular Physiology
Grand Hall East (Posters): UHMS Poster Session: A4-A9; B10-B33
Exhibits / Break
William Hoffman
Centennial Ballroom ICentennial Ballroom IICentennial Ballroom IIICentennial Ballroom IVRegency VRegency VI (UHMS)Regency VIIHanover Hall F/GGrand Hall East (Posters)
Centennial Ballroom I: CM Panel: Banish Neuro-Phobia: Aerospace Neurology for the Busy AME
Centennial Ballroom II: HP Panel: The Necessity of an Aviation Psychology Specialty
Centennial Ballroom III: SM Panel: Utilization of AI-Based Tools to Support Autonomous Medical Operations
Centennial Ballroom IV: SST Panel: Safety Centers: Year in Review 2024
Regency V: CM Panel: Fast Beats
Regency VI (UHMS): UHMS
Regency VII: HP Panel: G Factors
Hanover Hall F/G: HP Panel: Aeromedical Operational
Grand Hall East (Posters): UHMS Poster Sessions: A1-A3; B34-B60

Tuesday, June 3

Registration Open
11th Eugen Reinartz Memorial Lecture: Commercial Space, Human Spaceflight, the I.S.S. and the U.S. Return to the Moon: Mark N. Sirangelo, PhD
Exhibits / Break
UHMS Christian J. Lambertsen Memorial Lecture: "Last Breath - Reasoning with life and death at the bottom of the North Sea." - Chris Lemons

"Last Breath - Reasoning with life and death at the bottom of the North Sea."
Chris Lemons

About the Lecture:

Chris will talk about the lead up to that fateful day in 2012 and give you a very personal account of his thoughts and actions when he was left stranded 300 feet down in the icy darkness with no heat, no light and only 5 minutes of gas left to breathe, with his rescuers over 40 minutes away from being able to get to him.

About Speaker:

chris lemonsChris has been a commercial diver and Supervisor for over 18 years, and currently specializes in deep sea saturation diving, operating almost exclusively in the oil and gas industry.

This highly specialized form of diving involves living in the claustrophobic confines of a decompression chamber for up to 28 days at a time, commuting daily to the seabed in a diving bell, and working at depths of up to 900 feet for 6 hours at a time.

In September of 2012, a freak failure of the dynamic positioning system of the vessel he was working under, resulted in the umbilical which provides him with breathing gas, light and heat being severed completely. He was left on the seabed, in complete darkness 300 feet below the surface, with only the 5 minutes of breathing gas he carried in the emergency tanks on his back, and no way to protect himself from the freezing temperatures.

It took his heroic rescuers over 40 minutes to come back and fetch him, and his miraculous survival story has baffled experts ever since.

His extraordinary story was subsequently immortalized in the hit Netflix/BBC documentary 'Last Breath,' a version of which has been developed into a Hollywood movie starring Woody Harrelson, Simu Liu and Finn Cole and is due for release on the 28th of February 2025.

Chris was born in Edinburgh, raised in Cambridge, and now lives in the South of France with his partner and two daughters.


dr Lambertsen Dr. Christian J. Lambertsen received a B.S. Degree from Rutgers University in 1938 and a M.D. Degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1943. During his medical school period, he invented and first used forms of the initial U.S. self-contained closed-circuit oxygen rebreathing apparatus, for neutral buoyancy underwater swimming and diving. As a student, he aided the early Office of Strategic Services (O.S.S.) in establishing the first cadres of U.S. military operational combat swimmers. Dr. Lambertsen became a U.S. Army medical officer on graduation from medical school in early 1943, and immediately joined the O.S.S. Maritime Unit on active duty through its period of function in World War II. He joined the University of Pennsylvania Medical Faculty in 1946 and became Professor of Pharmacology in 1952. While a faculty member he combined diving research and further underwater rebreathing equipment developments for the Army and Navy. In 1967 he served as Founding President of the Undersea Medical Society (now Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society.) Dr. Lambertsen is recognized by the Naval Special Warfare community as "The Father of U.S. Combat Swimming.” His hand has touched every aspect of military and commercial diving. Dr. Lambertsen’s active contributions to diving began during WWII and became even more progressive in the post-war period through the evolutions of the U.S. Navy Deep Submergence and Naval Special Warfare developmental programs.

Lunch (On Own), Special Luncheons and Meetings
Centennial Ballroom ICentennial Ballroom IICentennial Ballroom IIICentennial Ballroom IVRegency VRegency VI (UHMS)Regency VIIHanover Hall F/GLearning CenterGrand Hall East (Posters)
Centennial Ballroom I: CM Panel: Celebrating Over 50 Yrs of Aerospace Medicine Education, Training, & Research in the UK
Centennial Ballroom II: HP Panel: Evaluating the Neuro-Physiological Markers of Non-Standard Oxygen Delivery Pressure
Centennial Ballroom III: SM Panel: Impact of Spaceflight on the Brain – a Decade of MRI Imaging
Centennial Ballroom IV: SST Panel: Update: Advanced Disease Defense & UV-C Disinfection in Aviation
Regency V: CM Panel: Thumped and Dumped
Regency VI (UHMS): UHMS
Regency VII: HP Panel: Physiological and Cognitive Monitoring
Hanover Hall F/G: HP Panel: Neurology and Biomechanics
Learning Center: CM Panel: AAMIMO Grand Rounds- Cross Cultural Clinical Cases in Aerospace Medicine
Grand Hall East (Posters): AsMA Posters: SM Panel: Constellation of Space
Exhibits / Break
Centennial Ballroom ICentennial Ballroom IICentennial Ballroom IIICentennial Ballroom IVRegency VRegency VI (UHMS)Regency VIIHanover Hall F/GGrand Hall East (Posters)
Centennial Ballroom I: CM Panel: USAF Aerospace Medicine Waiver Guide: Key Insights on PTSD, AUD, and TBI Seizure Risk
Centennial Ballroom II: HP Panel: The Hypoxic Brain: Implications for Human Performance
Centennial Ballroom III: SM Panel: Are PCMs Ready for Commercial Spaceflight?
Centennial Ballroom IV: SST Panel: Inflight Medical Emergency Response Capability. Current state, Learnings and Challenges
Regency V: CM Panel: To Work or Not to Work
Regency VI (UHMS): UHMS
Regency VII: HP Panel: Training Factors
Hanover Hall F/G: HP Pane: Sleep Fatigue Cognition
Grand Hall East (Posters): UHMS Poster Sessions: B61-B65; C66-C73; D77-D93
Joint Social (advance purchase): hosted by Life Sciences & Biomedical Engineering Branch (LSBEB) (limited to 200)

Wednesday, June 4

Centennial Ballroom ICentennial Ballroom IICentennial Ballroom IIICentennial Ballroom IVRegency VRegency VI (UHMS)Regency VIIHanover Hall F/GLearning CenterGrand Hall East (Posters)
Centennial Ballroom I: CM Panel: Insulin Treated Diabetes – Regulatory & In-Flight Perspectives
Centennial Ballroom II: HP Panel: Fatigue in Military Aviation
Centennial Ballroom III: SM Panel: Fly Girls
Centennial Ballroom IV: SM Panel: Life Support Challenges
Regency V: HP Panel: Pilot Spatial Disorientation Research, Modeling, and Training
Regency VI (UHMS): UHMS
Regency VII: HP Panel: Aeromedical Capability
Hanover Hall F/G: CM Panel: Resident in Aerospace Medicine (RAM) Grand Rounds I
Learning Center: SST Panel: Applications of AI to Combat Aviation Mishap
Grand Hall East (Posters): AsMA Poster Session: HP Panel: To Automate or Not
Exhibits / Break
Centennial Ballroom ICentennial Ballroom IICentennial Ballroom IIICentennial Ballroom IVRegency VRegency VI (UHMS)Regency VIIHanover Hall F/GLearning CenterGrand Hall East (Posters)
Centennial Ballroom I: CM Panel: Shorter Time on DNIF Status
Centennial Ballroom II: HP Panel: What Goes on in the Mind?
Centennial Ballroom III: SM Panel: NASA’s Medical Capability & Technology Development Activities for Missions to Mars
Centennial Ballroom IV: Under Pressure: DCS
Regency V: CM Panel: Peer Support & Mental Health in Civil Aviation Across the Globe
Regency VI (UHMS): UHMS
Regency VII: HP Panel: Measuring Physiological Stress
Hanover Hall F/G: CM Panel: Resident in Aerospace Medicine (RAM) Grand Rounds II
Learning Center: SST Panel: Aviation Accident Injury Severity and Prevention
Grand Hall East (Posters): UHMS Poster Sessions: C74-C76; D94-D110; E114-E123
Lunch (On Own), Special Luncheons and Meetings
Centennial Ballroom IIICentennial Ballroom IVRegency VRegency VI (UHMS)Regency VIIHanover Hall F/GLearning CenterGrand Hall East (Posters)
Centennial Ballroom III: SM Panel: Above the Neck
Centennial Ballroom IV: SM Panel: Data 2 Decisions
Regency V: CM Panel: Simulator Sickness
Regency VI (UHMS): UHMS
Regency VII: HP Panel: Principles & Practices of Mary F Foley
Hanover Hall F/G: CM Panel: Resident in Aerospace Medicine (RAM) Grand Rounds III
Learning Center: CM Panel: Aeromedical Ethics Panel
Grand Hall East (Posters): AsMA Poster Session: CM Panel: No you can't fly
Exhibits / Break
Ram Bowl
UHMS Honors Night

Thursday, June 5

Registration Open
Harry G. Armstrong/George B. Hart Memorial Lecture: Pressure Perils from Undersea to Outer Space Panel: Jonathan Clark, MD; Joseph Dervey, MD; Mitch A. Garber, MD; Michael Gernhardt, PhD; Rich Moon, MD
  • Welcome and Introductions: Joseph P. Dervay, MD, MS
  • An Overview of Pressure Variations and Their Effects on Human Health: From Ocean Depths to Outer Space: Richard Moon, MD
  • Michael Gernhardt, MD
  • Jonathan Clark, MD
  • Aviation Hypoxia and Accident Investigation: Mitch Garber, MD, MPH, MSME
Centennial Ballroom ICentennial Ballroom IICentennial Ballroom IIICentennial Ballroom IVRegency VRegency VI (UHMS)Regency VIIHanover Hall F/GGrand Hall East (Posters)
Centennial Ballroom I: CM Panel: Sleep Disorders as a Fatigue Factor in Aviation
Centennial Ballroom II: HP Panel: Occurrences of SD in Military Pilots
Centennial Ballroom III: SM Panel: Head and Shoulders
Centennial Ballroom IV: SM Panel: Surgery in Space
Regency V: CM Panel: Aerospace Prostate Cancer Prevention Screening Model
Regency VI (UHMS): UHMS
Regency VII: HP Panel: Assessment of Pilot’s SA Using Non-obtrusive & Real-Time Measures
Hanover Hall F/G: SST Panel: Ventilation Blues
Grand Hall East (Posters): AsMA Poster Session: HP Panel: Can my Body Handle It / UHMS Poster Sessions: E111-E112; E124-E129; F130-F132



Lunch (On Own), Special Luncheons and Meetings
Centennial Ballroom ICentennial Ballroom IICentennial Ballroom IIICentennial Ballroom IVRegency VRegency VI (UHMS)Regency VIIHanover Hall F/GGrand Hall East (Posters)
Centennial Ballroom I: CM Panel: Clinical Approaches to Complex Aeromedical Cases: Are They Safe for Duty?
Centennial Ballroom II: HP Panel: The Good, Bad, & Ugly of Artificial Intelligence
Centennial Ballroom III: SM Panel: Surveillance and Countermeasures for Space
Centennial Ballroom IV: SM Panel: The VSS Unity Suborbital Flight Experience
Regency V: CM Panel: Aviation Medicine in the New Nordic NATO Framework
Regency VI (UHMS): UHMS
Regency VII: HP Panel: Human Factors in USAF Aviation Operations
Hanover Hall F/G: HP Panel: ASAMS Board Review
Grand Hall East (Posters): AsMA Poster Session: HP Panel Posters: Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes For Space
Centennial Ballroom ICentennial Ballroom IICentennial Ballroom IIICentennial Ballroom IVRegency VRegency VI (UHMS)Regency VIIHanover Hall F/G
Centennial Ballroom I: CM Panel: Aerospace Medicine Advances in Ibero-America
Centennial Ballroom II: HP Panel: Making Sense of Special Senses IV: Sensory Challenges
Centennial Ballroom III: SM Panel: Super Models: Predicting Responses to Space
Centennial Ballroom IV: SM Panel: Tooled up for Space Medicine
Regency V: CM Panel: When Aviation Medicine is Going Beyond Care Medicine
Regency VI (UHMS): UHMS
Regency VII: HP Panel: The Fast & the Curious: Charting New Frontiers in Aviation Medicine
Hanover Hall F/G: HP Panel: ASAMS Board Review
AsMA Honors Night
AsMA/UHMS After Party

Friday, June 6

Workshop: Tropical and Subtropical Medicine: Operation Stone Mountain


  • CM: Clinical Medicine
  • HP: Human Performance
  • SP: Space Medicine
  • SST:Safety & Survivability/Travel